Monday, March 16, 2009

Inch by Inch

I am a little behind on my blogging - sorry! The past couple of weeks have been more difficult than the first 4! I thought the workouts would get easier, but everytime I get used to 1 routine, the trainer ratchets it up a notch! I feel my life has been work and gym. After the second weigh in I felt discouraged. My inches lost have been good, but my body fat percentage didn't go down much and I only lost 3 pounds! My trainer continues to encourage and assures my team we are on the right track.

The lesson for me has been persistence and keeping my chin up through it all. I honestly have felt like dropping out because I feel like I never see my family anymore! I keep telling myself that this won't be forever. I also had to remind myself that God placed me in this weight loss opportunity, so I need to stay in and give it my all - at least until my all doesn't see me through. God knows my limits and will let me know when enough is enough.

I encourage anyone who is in the mist of a weight loss effort, is feeling progress is slow, and is getting discouraged to not give up. Keep going! Even slow progress makes a difference. I have not lost as much weight as I wanted, but the inches are falling off and I can see the results.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

On the Right Path!

Tomorrow is the big day to see who is elimated first! I know I have done what I can in these past 4 weeks both on the eating and physical side. I feel good about what I have accomplished through the support of this competition, my friends, and my family. Regardless of what happens I am now on the right path toward healthiness. While I don't look like Barbie yet, I am a few pounds closer. I read some other's blogs and see that they have lost double digit pounds! This is a bit discouraging to me. My trainer assures me that I am doing fine. So if you are like me and only lost in the single digit, don't loose heart - slow and steady is okay and healthy!

I continue to struggle with eating enough. I feel like I am eating all the time - don't want the motabilizism to slow down! I am looking for some good, simple recipes that are high in protein and carbs and yet low in fat - if any one has a thought, please send my way!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Calories are my Friend!

Well just finished my group work out which ended up a solo workout due to some switches by the trainer that didn't work for me... Anyway... I was pushed and pushed hard. Mike was right there for me encourging me that I could do it - thanks Mike! I wanted to die from time to time and in the end actually did throw up a few times! But that is the price one pays when they have neglected the temple that God created. Workouts continue to just plain and simply be painful. There is no easy way around it - no pain, no gain (or loss in this case.) I so often want to quit and go back to my old ways, but I can't disappoint my God who gave me this opportunity. I am still holding to my motto: "Pray through the Pain!" It has actually been a blessing for me to be able to do this. It takes the focus off me and gives me an added opportunity to think of others.

The mind frame that I have a hard time over coming is the thought that calories are not my enemy. I think that I am so conditions to count calories and limit how many I take in that I am actually afraid to eat! My trainer is reteaching me to believe that calories are the key to the success. If I don't eat enough, the pounds aren't coming off. On top of that I have to eat carbohydrates! And lots of them! For me it has been a trust factor. Trust that Mike knows what he is doing - no offense Mike. I have a difficult time with trusting people anyway. I am working SO HARD at this and have so much to loose (or not) by not getting in shape that I want to do everything just right in order to succeed. I know nothing about fitness and eating right so I feel powerless and at the mercy of others - another challenge for me! So I will continue to have faith and follow the course set before me. Each day is a new day and I am living it one day at a time for now. I count my blessings after each work out is over knowing that I made it through another day.

To all of you I say don't give up, Keep your eyes focused on the one who created you and know that He will carry you through all situations - even weight loss!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Barely Moving!

My body is in a constant state of muscle fatigue. The aches don't seem to go away even when I have a day in between workouts. Despite that I feel must healthier than I did a week ago. Work outs have been difficult. I have been inactive for so long that a week ago blow drying by hair was a muscle burn, so you can only imagine what 30 minutes on the treadmill at a 5 - 6 incline and a brisk pace would feel like and that is after grueling exercises! In the mist of the pain I thought of Jesus and the physical endurance he had to go through in all the events leading up to the cross and then on the cross. No amount of torture Mike gives me will ever be a smidgen of what Jesus went through. So, when I think I can't bare it anymore I just start praying for someone. My new motto is, "Pray through the Pain!"

Today we had our weekly weigh-in and I was disappointed that I hadn't lost several pounds. Mike said that slower to come off - slower to come back on. He assured me that I was on target, however he did add a day to my workout and upped my cardio by 10 minutes!

Mike has us all logging our daily food intake on "". It is an awesome way to track calories and see the break down of fats, carbs, and proteins taken in. It puts out a handy little pie chart so you can visually see the percentages of each. I see that while I stay in my calorie limit, I am too high on fats.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Off and Running-Literally!

We met our team members today and had our first meeting with our trainer-Mike Miller. We had to weigh, take our measurements, and worst of all see our total body fat! That was a shocker! The good news is that it can only go down from here! The reality of the competition and what I have gotten into has all now set in. I am very excited and look forward to the pounds melting away, however I am nervous.
Right now my biggest challenges are time management (so I can fit in my workouts) and planning my meals. My trainer gave us a helpful must - he said he plans his meals for the meal and actually puts them together in little tupperware container! He suggested labeling one for each day. For me this will work great for my mornings and my lunches. I am always rushing and NEVER eat breakfast and ususally just grab school lunch or rely on a staff member that is going out to a fast food place. Mike Miller, my trainer also said that we have to allow ourselves to have a "cheat day". This is a day that we do just that - cheat on our healthy eating for a meal. (Notice I said "A" meal!) Mike says this is a must! Knowing that I can satisfy that craving once a week, will definately help!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

There's No Turning Back Now!

I never thought I would enter a contest like this! But day after day as I drove to work I heard Cari talking about the In-Shape Challenge and something or someone started tugging at me to enter. Finally I did! At first I didn't even tell my family, but as the deadline drew near I confessed. When I got the call, I just couldn't believe it! Then of course I had to confess to everyone. The pressure is now on! I am very excited and grateful to KDUV for this opportunity to regain some control over my diet and to actually start working out again - it has been years! I am also grateful to my husband and kids that are all rooting for me. I have the utmost confidence that I will endure through this competition mainly because this opportunity has come as a gift from God. I know that He will stand beside me and provide the support that I need.