Monday, March 16, 2009

Inch by Inch

I am a little behind on my blogging - sorry! The past couple of weeks have been more difficult than the first 4! I thought the workouts would get easier, but everytime I get used to 1 routine, the trainer ratchets it up a notch! I feel my life has been work and gym. After the second weigh in I felt discouraged. My inches lost have been good, but my body fat percentage didn't go down much and I only lost 3 pounds! My trainer continues to encourage and assures my team we are on the right track.

The lesson for me has been persistence and keeping my chin up through it all. I honestly have felt like dropping out because I feel like I never see my family anymore! I keep telling myself that this won't be forever. I also had to remind myself that God placed me in this weight loss opportunity, so I need to stay in and give it my all - at least until my all doesn't see me through. God knows my limits and will let me know when enough is enough.

I encourage anyone who is in the mist of a weight loss effort, is feeling progress is slow, and is getting discouraged to not give up. Keep going! Even slow progress makes a difference. I have not lost as much weight as I wanted, but the inches are falling off and I can see the results.

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