Sunday, March 1, 2009

On the Right Path!

Tomorrow is the big day to see who is elimated first! I know I have done what I can in these past 4 weeks both on the eating and physical side. I feel good about what I have accomplished through the support of this competition, my friends, and my family. Regardless of what happens I am now on the right path toward healthiness. While I don't look like Barbie yet, I am a few pounds closer. I read some other's blogs and see that they have lost double digit pounds! This is a bit discouraging to me. My trainer assures me that I am doing fine. So if you are like me and only lost in the single digit, don't loose heart - slow and steady is okay and healthy!

I continue to struggle with eating enough. I feel like I am eating all the time - don't want the motabilizism to slow down! I am looking for some good, simple recipes that are high in protein and carbs and yet low in fat - if any one has a thought, please send my way!

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