Saturday, February 7, 2009

Barely Moving!

My body is in a constant state of muscle fatigue. The aches don't seem to go away even when I have a day in between workouts. Despite that I feel must healthier than I did a week ago. Work outs have been difficult. I have been inactive for so long that a week ago blow drying by hair was a muscle burn, so you can only imagine what 30 minutes on the treadmill at a 5 - 6 incline and a brisk pace would feel like and that is after grueling exercises! In the mist of the pain I thought of Jesus and the physical endurance he had to go through in all the events leading up to the cross and then on the cross. No amount of torture Mike gives me will ever be a smidgen of what Jesus went through. So, when I think I can't bare it anymore I just start praying for someone. My new motto is, "Pray through the Pain!"

Today we had our weekly weigh-in and I was disappointed that I hadn't lost several pounds. Mike said that slower to come off - slower to come back on. He assured me that I was on target, however he did add a day to my workout and upped my cardio by 10 minutes!

Mike has us all logging our daily food intake on "". It is an awesome way to track calories and see the break down of fats, carbs, and proteins taken in. It puts out a handy little pie chart so you can visually see the percentages of each. I see that while I stay in my calorie limit, I am too high on fats.

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