Sunday, January 25, 2009

There's No Turning Back Now!

I never thought I would enter a contest like this! But day after day as I drove to work I heard Cari talking about the In-Shape Challenge and something or someone started tugging at me to enter. Finally I did! At first I didn't even tell my family, but as the deadline drew near I confessed. When I got the call, I just couldn't believe it! Then of course I had to confess to everyone. The pressure is now on! I am very excited and grateful to KDUV for this opportunity to regain some control over my diet and to actually start working out again - it has been years! I am also grateful to my husband and kids that are all rooting for me. I have the utmost confidence that I will endure through this competition mainly because this opportunity has come as a gift from God. I know that He will stand beside me and provide the support that I need.


  1. Hey Kimberly, how did it go today? You guys got a head start. Not much I can do at home. Well, you have a comment now. Yeah!!!!!

  2. Thanks! I feel so special now. I'll be at the gym tomorrow. I'm not sure what to do exactly, but I'd like to start getting used to going and feeling comfortable there. See you!
